步骤 | 处理内容 |
1. 订单接收 | 市场参与者通过交易平台提交订单,可以是买单或卖单。通常包含价格、数量以及订单类型(市价单或限价单)等信息。 |
2. 订单排队 | 撮合引擎将收到的订单按照预定义的规则进行排队。通常情况下,订单会根据先进先出原则排列。 |
3. 订单撮合 | 撮合引擎在订单簿中查找与新订单匹配的对手盘。如果订单能够匹配(即买单价格大于等于卖单价格),撮合引擎将这些订单进行成交处理。 |
4. 成交确认与通知 | 一旦订单匹配成功,撮合引擎会确认成交并将交易结果通知给买卖双方及相关的清算系统。 |
- 买单簿:按照出价从高到低排序,优先处理出价最高的买单。
- 卖单簿:与买单簿相反,根据出价从低往高排,出价低的卖单会优先被处理。
市价单(Market Order):
- 以市场当前价格立即成交的订单,一般会优先匹配订单簿中当前最优的对手订单。
- 市价单在撮合过程中不关注价格,只关注交易的速度和成交的确定性,在流动性不足时可能会导致滑点。
限价单(Limit Order):
- 以指定价格成交的订单,只有在市场价格达到或优于客户指定价格时才会成交。限价单会进入订单簿,并按照价格和时间优先级排队。
- 限价单在撮合过程中确保了价格,但不一定能够成交。
import heapq class Order: def __init__(self, order_id, order_type, price, quantity): self.order_id = order_id self.order_type = order_type # 'buy' or 'sell' self.price = price self.quantity = quantity self.timestamp = None def __lt__(self, other): if self.order_type == 'buy': # For buy orders, higher prices have priority; if prices are equal, earlier orders have priority return (self.price, -self.timestamp) > (other.price, -other.timestamp) else: # For sell orders, lower prices have priority; if prices are equal, earlier orders have priority return (self.price, self.timestamp) < (other.price, other.timestamp) class OrderBook: def __init__(self): self.buy_orders = [] # Max-heap for buy orders (negative prices for max-heap) self.sell_orders = [] # Min-heap for sell orders self.timestamp_counter = 0 def add_order(self, order): order.timestamp = self.timestamp_counter self.timestamp_counter += 1 if order.order_type == 'buy': heapq.heappush(self.buy_orders, order) else: heapq.heappush(self.sell_orders, order) def match_orders(self): matches = [] while self.buy_orders and self.sell_orders: highest_buy_order = self.buy_orders[0] lowest_sell_order = self.sell_orders[0] if highest_buy_order.price >= lowest_sell_order.price: quantity_to_trade = min(highest_buy_order.quantity, lowest_sell_order.quantity) matches.append((highest_buy_order.order_id, lowest_sell_order.order_id, quantity_to_trade)) highest_buy_order.quantity -= quantity_to_trade lowest_sell_order.quantity -= quantity_to_trade if highest_buy_order.quantity == 0: heapq.heappop(self.buy_orders) if lowest_sell_order.quantity == 0: heapq.heappop(self.sell_orders) else: break return matches # Example usage order_book = OrderBook() # Add some buy and sell orders order_book.add_order(Order(1, 'buy', 101, 10)) order_book.add_order(Order(2, 'buy', 102, 5)) order_book.add_order(Order(3, 'sell', 100, 8)) order_book.add_order(Order(4, 'sell', 99, 10)) # Match orders matches = order_book.match_orders() for match in matches: print(f"Matched Buy Order {match[0]} with Sell Order {match[1]} for {match[2]} units")
import heapq from collections import defaultdict class Order: def __init__(self, order_id, order_type, price, quantity): self.order_id = order_id self.order_type = order_type # 'buy' or 'sell' self.price = price self.quantity = quantity self.timestamp = None class OrderBook: def __init__(self): self.buy_orders = defaultdict(list) # Buy orders grouped by price self.sell_orders = defaultdict(list) # Sell orders grouped by price self.timestamp_counter = 0 def add_order(self, order): order.timestamp = self.timestamp_counter self.timestamp_counter += 1 if order.order_type == 'buy': self.buy_orders[order.price].append(order) else: self.sell_orders[order.price].append(order) def match_orders(self): matches = [] # Sort buy and sell prices buy_prices = sorted(self.buy_orders.keys(), reverse=True) sell_prices = sorted(self.sell_orders.keys()) while buy_prices and sell_prices: highest_buy_price = buy_prices[0] lowest_sell_price = sell_prices[0] if highest_buy_price >= lowest_sell_price: buy_orders_at_price = self.buy_orders[highest_buy_price] sell_orders_at_price = self.sell_orders[lowest_sell_price] # Calculate total buy and sell quantities at this price total_buy_quantity = sum(order.quantity for order in buy_orders_at_price) total_sell_quantity = sum(order.quantity for order in sell_orders_at_price) # Determine the amount to trade based on the smaller side quantity_to_trade = min(total_buy_quantity, total_sell_quantity) # Pro-rata allocation for buy and sell orders for order in buy_orders_at_price: proportion = order.quantity / total_buy_quantity traded_quantity = quantity_to_trade * proportion matches.append((order.order_id, lowest_sell_price, traded_quantity)) order.quantity -= traded_quantity for order in sell_orders_at_price: proportion = order.quantity / total_sell_quantity traded_quantity = quantity_to_trade * proportion matches.append((order.order_id, highest_buy_price, traded_quantity)) order.quantity -= traded_quantity # Remove fully matched orders self.buy_orders[highest_buy_price] = [o for o in buy_orders_at_price if o.quantity > 0] self.sell_orders[lowest_sell_price] = [o for o in sell_orders_at_price if o.quantity > 0] if not self.buy_orders[highest_buy_price]: del self.buy_orders[highest_buy_price] buy_prices.pop(0) if not self.sell_orders[lowest_sell_price]: del self.sell_orders[lowest_sell_price] sell_prices.pop(0) else: break return matches # Example usage order_book = OrderBook() # Add some buy and sell orders order_book.add_order(Order(1, 'buy', 100, 10)) order_book.add_order(Order(2, 'buy', 100, 20)) order_book.add_order(Order(3, 'sell', 100, 15)) order_book.add_order(Order(4, 'sell', 100, 5)) # Match orders matches = order_book.match_orders() for match in matches: print(f"Order {match[0]} matched at price {match[1]} for {match[2]:.2f} units")
import heapq from collections import defaultdict class Order: def __init__(self, order_id, order_type, price, quantity): self.order_id = order_id self.order_type = order_type # 'buy' or 'sell' self.price = price self.quantity = quantity self.timestamp = None def __lt__(self, other): return self.timestamp < other.timestamp class OrderBook: def __init__(self): self.buy_orders = defaultdict(list) # Buy orders grouped by price self.sell_orders = defaultdict(list) # Sell orders grouped by price self.timestamp_counter = 0 def add_order(self, order): order.timestamp = self.timestamp_counter self.timestamp_counter += 1 if order.order_type == 'buy': heapq.heappush(self.buy_orders[order.price], order) else: heapq.heappush(self.sell_orders[order.price], order) def match_orders(self): matches = [] # Sort buy and sell prices buy_prices = sorted(self.buy_orders.keys(), reverse=True) sell_prices = sorted(self.sell_orders.keys()) while buy_prices and sell_prices: highest_buy_price = buy_prices[0] lowest_sell_price = sell_prices[0] if highest_buy_price >= lowest_sell_price: buy_orders_at_price = self.buy_orders[highest_buy_price] sell_orders_at_price = self.sell_orders[lowest_sell_price] # Calculate total buy and sell quantities at this price total_buy_quantity = sum(order.quantity for order in buy_orders_at_price) total_sell_quantity = sum(order.quantity for order in sell_orders_at_price) # Determine the amount to trade based on the smaller side quantity_to_trade = min(total_buy_quantity, total_sell_quantity) # Priority based matching and then pro-rata allocation while quantity_to_trade > 0 and buy_orders_at_price and sell_orders_at_price: buy_order = buy_orders_at_price[0] sell_order = sell_orders_at_price[0] if buy_order.quantity <= sell_order.quantity: matches.append((buy_order.order_id, sell_order.order_id, buy_order.quantity)) sell_order.quantity -= buy_order.quantity quantity_to_trade -= buy_order.quantity heapq.heappop(buy_orders_at_price) if sell_order.quantity == 0: heapq.heappop(sell_orders_at_price) else: matches.append((buy_order.order_id, sell_order.order_id, sell_order.quantity)) buy_order.quantity -= sell_order.quantity quantity_to_trade -= sell_order.quantity heapq.heappop(sell_orders_at_price) if buy_order.quantity == 0: heapq.heappop(buy_orders_at_price) # Remove empty price levels if not buy_orders_at_price: del self.buy_orders[highest_buy_price] buy_prices.pop(0) if not sell_orders_at_price: del self.sell_orders[lowest_sell_price] sell_prices.pop(0) else: break return matches # Example usage order_book = OrderBook() # Add some buy and sell orders order_book.add_order(Order(1, 'buy', 100, 15)) order_book.add_order(Order(2, 'buy', 100, 25)) order_book.add_order(Order(3, 'sell', 100, 30)) order_book.add_order(Order(4, 'sell', 100, 10)) # Match orders matches = order_book.match_orders() for match in matches: print(f"Buy Order {match[0]} matched with Sell Order {match[1]} for {match[2]:.2f} units")