乔治·索罗斯(George Soros)是一位著名的投资者和慈善家,他以其在金融市场上的成功和慈善事业而闻名。克拉曼以其应用趋势追踪策略而备受瞩目,这使他成为了投资界的重要人物之一。
索罗斯的趋势追踪策略在他的投资基金Quantum Fund的表现上取得了巨大成功。他在1980年代的一系列成功交易中赚取了大量回报,其中最著名的是1992年的英镑空头交易,他通过对英国货币的抛售获得了数十亿美元的利润。
import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; public class TrendFollowingStrategy { public static void main(String[] args) { int length1 = 23; int length2 = 30; int filter = 10; int units = 1; List<Double> ma1 = new ArrayList<>(); List<Double> ma2 = new ArrayList<>(); List<Boolean> cond1 = new ArrayList<>(); List<Boolean> cond2 = new ArrayList<>(); List<Integer> startbar1 = new ArrayList<>(); List<Integer> startbar2 = new ArrayList<>(); List<Double> tobuy = new ArrayList<>(); List<Double> tosell = new ArrayList<>(); // Assuming you have the necessary data for calculations List<Double> close = new ArrayList<>(); for (int i = 0; i < close.size(); i++) { double ma1Value = calculateAverage(close, i, length1); double ma2Value = calculateAverage(close, i, length2); ma1.add(ma1Value); ma2.add(ma2Value); if (close.get(i) > ma1Value && close.get(i) > ma2Value && close.get(i - 1) < Math.max(ma1.get(i - 1), ma2.get(i - 1))) { cond1.add(true); startbar1.add(i); tobuy.add(close.get(i)); } if (close.get(i) < ma1Value && close.get(i) < ma2Value && close.get(i - 1) > Math.min(ma1.get(i - 1), ma2.get(i - 1))) { cond2.add(true); startbar2.add(i); tosell.add(close.get(i)); } if (i - startbar1.get(i) > filter) { cond1.set(i, false); } if (i - startbar2.get(i) > filter) { cond2.set(i, false); } if (MarketPosition != 1 && cond1.get(i) && high >= tobuy.get(i) && i != startbar1.get(i)) { Buy(units, Math.max(o, tobuy.get(i))); } if (MarketPosition != -1 && cond2.get(i) && low <= tosell.get(i) && i != startbar2.get(i)) { SellShort(units, Math.min(o, tosell.get(i))); } } } private static double calculateAverage(List<Double> data, int index, int length) { double sum = 0.0; for (int i = index; i > index - length; i--) { sum += data.get(i); } return sum / length; } private static void Buy(int units, double price) { // Implement your buy logic here } private static void SellShort(int units, double price) { // Implement your sell short logic here } }
class TrendFollowingStrategy: def __init__(self): self.ma1 = [] self.ma2 = [] self.cond1 = [] self.cond2 = [] self.startbar1 = [] self.startbar2 = [] self.tobuy = [] self.tosell = [] def calculate_average(self, data, index, length): if index < length: return None return sum(data[index - length + 1: index + 1]) / length def buy(self, units, price): # Implement your buy logic here pass def sell_short(self, units, price): # Implement your sell short logic here pass def execute_strategy(self, close, open, high, low): length1 = 23 length2 = 30 filter = 10 units = 1 for i in range(len(close)): ma1_value = self.calculate_average(close, i, length1) ma2_value = self.calculate_average(close, i, length2) self.ma1.append(ma1_value) self.ma2.append(ma2_value) if ( close[i] > ma1_value and close[i] > ma2_value and close[i - 1] < max(self.ma1[i - 1], self.ma2[i - 1]) ): self.cond1.append(True) self.startbar1.append(i) self.tobuy.append(high[i]) if ( close[i] < ma1_value and close[i] < ma2_value and close[i - 1] > min(self.ma1[i - 1], self.ma2[i - 1]) ): self.cond2.append(True) self.startbar2.append(i) self.tosell.append(low[i]) if i - self.startbar1[i] > filter: self.cond1[i] = False if i - self.startbar2[i] > filter: self.cond2[i] = False if ( MarketPosition != 1 and self.cond1[i] and high[i] >= self.tobuy[i] and i != self.startbar1[i] ): self.buy(units, max(open[i], self.tobuy[i])) if ( MarketPosition != -1 and self.cond2[i] and low[i] <= self.tosell[i] and i != self.startbar2[i] ): self.sell_short(units, min(open[i], self.tosell[i]))